Search Instructions

Using Our Search Tool

Welcome to our platform's powerful and user-friendly search tool, designed to help you find the perfect counsellor for your unique needs. Here's a quick guide to using our search functionality:

Main Search Field: Keywords

Type anything related to your needs in the main search field—feelings, counsellor names, locations, or languages. The system may offer suggestions as you type to refine your search.

Specific Anxiety Issues

If you're dealing with particular anxiety issues, this filter can help you find experienced counsellors in those areas.

Location Field

For face-to-face sessions, enter your city, town, or postcode in the location field to find counsellors near you.

Use Advance for more options
Additional Filters: Availability and Language

Click "Additional" to specify a counsellor's availability and preferred language. This helps tailor the search results to your schedule and language needs.

'Ask Me for My Availability'

Counsellors with this option are flexible but prefer to discuss their availability directly. They will still appear in your search results if they match your other criteria.

Therapy Type Field

This dropdown lets you narrow your search to counsellors specializing in specific therapies. Select from the list or leave it blank to keep your options open.

Using Tag Options in Results

Search results include clickable tags for quick filtering, such as "Available on Wednesday afternoon." Click on these tags to refine your results.

Example Use Case:

Looking for a bereavement counsellor in Rugby who offers digital sessions via FaceTime in the evening and speaks Spanish? Just set your search criteria accordingly in the respective fields.


Our search tool is meticulously designed to be both powerful and straightforward, ensuring you can easily find the right counsellor for your journey towards wellbeing.